How I Work
New Milford, Connecticut
Current gig:
Praxis Participant
Current mobile device:
Iphone X. I tried to escape apple, but I am too deep in the walled garden.
Current computer: Macbook Pro 2013
One word that best describes how you work: Thoughtful. I put as much thought and detail as possible, while retaining efficiency.
What apps/software/tools can’t you live without?
Inbox for Gmail, Apple Calendar, WordPress, Tile, Spotify, Google Maps, Wunderlist, Venmo, and Uber
What’s your workspace like?
Spread out and organized. Papers and notes I am using are spread around me in organized piles, so that I can see or access anything immediately.
What’s your best time-saving trick?
Choose a place in your life and make that place entirely dedicated to getting work done. Never do anything else in that place, and you will associate it with work. This way it is a lot easier to get into a good workflow when you need to.
What’s your favorite to-do list manager?
I have a few favorites. My usual go to is just to have a written to do list on a piece of paper that I keep with me. For some reason I feel that writing something down on paper helps me remember and accomplish goals much better than any app. There’s something so pleasantly tangible about it. Just in case paper should fail me, I supplement with Wunderlist.
Even though these are very helpful standbys, nothing is more effective than having another person hold you to a set deadline.
Besides your phone and computer, what gadget can’t you live without?
A bunch of legal pads. Writing things down helps me get ideas out of my head faster and easier, and is more helpful in developing those ideas. Other that those, I feel like I would live a harder life without my tiles. They help me find my keys and wallet when I need to.
What everyday thing are you better at than anyone else?
I would say two things:
Committing to work for long periods of time, and actually doing it. Growing up with ADD, I sometimes wasn’t as quick as others, but that taught me to work for as long as necessary to make my work better than theirs. Now I can work quickly, but if need be, I can keep focus for a long while.
Loving all people. We’re all humans, and we all having interesting and important differences and perspectives to contribute. I have always seen the good in people, and easily made friends with those around me.