We can learn a lot from the study of Greek mythology and classical works. One good example of this is Ariadne's thread, a logical algorithm derived from the tale of Ariadne. Ariadne's thread is the solving of a problem with many possible answers through a rigorous application of logic...
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I much prefer deep conversation over small talk. Often I will spend hours talking to friends, family, even strangers. There is a lot to learn from different perspectives and experiences, especially those that don't agree with me. I have studied a lot of literature, and many of my friends...
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Whenever someone asks me what my favorite book, movie, song, etc. is I am always hesitant to answer. My favorite things change all the time, if I say what my favorite is right now, that might not be a great answer, because it could change tomorrow. So, I decided...
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I am fascinated with bartending and its history. Not making a vodka soda with a soda gun and a bottle, but instead careful and detailed construction of an idea or recipe. Just like baking french macarons. I enjoy how meticulously you can control the outcome of something so immediately,...
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People say to do what you love, and you’ll be successful and happy. While this is very true, I think it is often taken the wrong way. People often romanticize this and turn it into a black-and-white, cause and effect rule. Especially in college. Many pick something they’ve never...
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Ray Bradbury had the conviction to write at least 1000 words every day since the age of 12 years old. In the midst of a 30-day writing challenge, I thought it might be appropriate to think deeper about some of his advice on the topic. In "Zen in the...
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For as long as I can remember, I have been afraid of heights. I used to freak out on balconies and freeze up at the top of tall buildings. Over the course of many summers as a kid, I learned how to conquer that fear with the help of...
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I love to cook. More than that, I love the high pressure, fast-paced, and perfectionist world of high-end restaurants. In order to bring order into an otherwise chaotic world, chefs often employ a mindset known as “Mise en Place”. This French phrase means “set in place“ and refers to...
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Have you ever had a feeling that you cant put words to? If you grew up with a different language, you might've had the right words to describe it. The language we speak has a massive impact on our cultures and on our patterns of thought. We often cannot deeply...
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I grew up playing a lot of video games. Some might say too much, but I think it has had a really positive effect on me. I have also spent a pretty substantial amount of time arguing against people who think that all evil somehow stems from video games....
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